How to Prepare: Read All the Books

The thought of moving across the Atlantic was daunting. As the weeks of my blissful Connecticut summer melted away, I became more and more anxious about the move. To quell my anxiety, I read.

Below, you’ll find a list of the books I read (or plan to read) to prepare for our Nordic lifestyle.


The Finnish Way

by Katja Pantzar

Highly Recommend! This is the story of a Canadian journalist who moved to Finland. She gave great insight into cultural differences and how to embrace sea swimming, dark winters, and introverted Finns.


Teach like Finland

by Timothy D. Walker

This book was my first introduction to the Finnish education system. As soon as I read it I recommended it to all my teacher friends. The book behind it is more theory-based. I loved Teach like Finland because I read about so many practical strategies I could use in my own classroom.


The Man Who Died

by Antti Tuomainen

My brother bought me this book. I haven’t read it yet, but I am looking forward to it! It is a murder mystery about a Finnish mushroom entrepreneur. What more could you want in a book!


Pocket Guide to Helsinki

by Lonely Planet

Of course, I couldn’t go abroad without buying a touristy pocket guide. Honestly, this book is great for places to go around the city and it even came with a big map!

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Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times

by Katherine May

I am saving this one for the dark depths of the Finnish winter. I’ll update you when I read it!


The Nordic Theory of Everything:

In Search of a Better Life

by Anu Partanen

I’m currently reading this book. I love that I get to see and experience a lot of what the author talks about now that I’m in Finland. The Finnish author moved to America for her husband. In the book, she compares her childhood growing up in Finland to her experiences as an adult in New York City. She does a great job outlining many differences in all aspects of life - maternity leave, education, mental health, and so on.


Any suggestions?

I’m always looking for good reads. Let me know if you have book recommendations.


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