Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner in Sweden

One Day in Stockholm

With a few weeks left in our time here, Jon and I realized that we never made it to Stockholm, the closest major city apart from St. Petersburg. We had plans to go on the overnight ferry with my Fulbright buddy in January, but that trip was canceled due to COVID. We both knew we wanted to visit a Scandinavian country while we were so close. With only a few weekends left, we picked one and booked a night in Sweden! The flight was only an hour and we ended up saving that hour on the way over because of the time difference.

Over this year, we realized that our biggest expenses while traveling are lodging and food. We love trying new restaurants, so cutting down on food wasn’t an option. Therefore, we opted for a hostel instead of our usual AirBnB. It was quite a shock when we opened the door to our windowless shoebox right after the guy at reception explained that we had “the best room” in the place. Knowing we only needed to be there to sleep, we quickly dropped our bags and left the hostel-dungeon-room to explore the city.

Breakfast at Skeppsboro Bageri

The most delicious pastries with a view of the water! I highly recommend this place. Jon and I both said we could stay there all day and just relax and eat the pastries. We shared a cinnamon bun (very similar to Finnish korvapuusti) and a cardamom bun. As we sipped our coffees, the place filled up and was abuzz with Swedes and tourists alike. Fika is a Swedish way of life where you stop to enjoy coffee and a treat with a friend. It is a concept that is often built into the workday. This would be the perfect place for Fika! Even though Finns don’t have a word for it as they do in Sweden, this state of mind is also very common in Finland.

Lunch at Rosendal Stradgard

The coolest place ever! This is so worth the short ferry ride and twenty-minute walk. Located on the island of Drugarden, there is a garden with little shops and restaurants. We had the most perfect weather while in Sweden with bright blue skies and pink flowers blooming everywhere. So we wandered around the gardens, laid on the grass, and visited the shops. When we got hungry, we went to the restaurant, which was housed in a greenhouse. We got the most delicious asparagus and then opted to try a few of their sweets.

Dinner at Hermans

After peeling ourselves away from the beautiful gardens, we took the ferry back to the city and wandered around the streets. We stopped in a bookshop and browsed the English section for a while until it was time to eat again! Jon found this cool vegan buffet place called Hermans. We were in heaven. It was the most delicious food - lasagne, thai curry, arugula salad, homemade soup, and more!

On our walk back to our hostel, we saw a double rainbow over the water! Everyone was stopping to look and take pictures. It was soo cool! I had never seen anything like that before.

We clearly only scratched the surface of Stockholm and definitely need to go back, but we are glad we made the trip this time around.

For more photos, check out my Stockholm folder under the photos tab.


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