The Joy of Winter

This time last year I would have scoffed at this statement. I never would have thought it could come from my mouth! Yet, here I am. 

Finland is considered to be a part of the Arctic Circle. Translation: it’s cold and dark for a major portion of the year. 

Knowing this, I knew I had to have some coping mechanisms in place to survive the winter. I am a summer gal through and through. The leaves changing in autumn queue my seasonal depression, so I knew the dark and cold wouldn’t be great for my mental health. 

After reading a selection of books and blog posts on the Nordic lifestyle and appreciating winter, I started to get it. But it wasn’t until I lived it that I really embraced it. 

My Conversion

One blog post really got me. She shared my dread of winter: darkness, slush, and wet feet. After moving to Finland, she realized she dreaded more than a quarter of the year, every year. That hit me. Unless I move permanently to a warm climate, winter will be upon me every year so instead of dreading it, why not embrace it?

This mindset shift set me up for a more positive experience. 

Of course, the slush, ice, and cold still get to me sometimes, but I find myself willing to go outside on a wintery walk or stare out the window lovingly at the falling snow more often now. As I walk around my neighborhood, I appreciate how pretty it looks in the winter snow. I look forward to snowfall because it brightens up the atmosphere. I’ve embraced exercise (even swimming) in the cold.

My favorite winter activities include:

  • Sea swimming

  • Snowy walks

  • Runs by the frozen sea

  • Ice skating

  • Sledding

  • Drinking coffee in a warm cafe after a long, cold walk

Winter activities I’d love to try:

  • Cross country skiing

  • Ice fishing

  • Snowshoeing

In Finland, there is a saying, “There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.” Pull on a few layers, your hat, gloves, and spikes and you are ready for a winter adventure. I started winter running here. I was inspired by all the other people running despite seemingly dangerous conditions.

Sometimes I go outside after dark, bracing myself for that lonely, keys between fingers feeling. But quickly learned that walking/running/being outside in the dark is the norm here. It' is 8:00 pm, snowing, and icy and the streets are BUSY! People are out and about.

Kids play on the playground. Teens ice skate in the park. Adults run and walk their dogs. At first, it felt strange, but now I love it! I feel safe and inspired to go outside every day now.

Of course, there is also an element of hibernation that is so nice during these winter months. The cozy, dark-lit cafes are dreamy in the winter. Warm cups of coffee and freshly baked pastries are all I need to convince me to draw me out of the apartment.

Have I convinced you to love winter yet? If not, you may have to visit Finland to see it for yourself.


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